Saturday, February 12, 2011

Commitment ...

I'm debating on whether to become a Crusader.

Oh, I'm several centuries too late, you say? And of the wrong religious persuasion? Different Crusade. This one found here: Writers' Platform-Building Crusade 

I'd like to be connected to others writing about their writing. Musing about their Muses. Facing their Furies.

But - I'm a commitment-phobe. I'm afraid of letting down the rest of the pack, if I don't blog consistently. Would that keep me going? Would it keep me writing more consistently, as well, or would I blog instead of write?

I have 30 minutes to decide. Be right back.

~~~ elevator music ~~~

And ... I'm in! Sent off the form. It's official, I guess, or will be when I get accepted.


  1. Welcome to the crusade! Look forward to getting to know you better.

  2. I'm glad you decided to hop on board with it. Otherwise, I might never have found your wonderful blog :)

  3. Welcome to the crusade, I'm glad you decided to join. Don't feel like you need to blog at the expense of your writing though. Writing comes first ;)

  4. Great that you decided to join up with the crusade. Welcome! Don't think of it as a committment, but as some fun. You'll get to know some cool people, and they'll enjoy getting to know you. There's over 200 crusaders so no-one will be able to comment on everyone's posts - just do what you can and enjoy it.

    Looking forward to getting to know you.

  5. Welcome, welcome! Glad to have you! You're so cute, I love how you wrote this post. *wink*
    Just thought I'd drop by and FOLLOW ya.

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  6. Excellent choice. ;) Welcome aboard!

  7. It must be official, since you're on the list!

    I'm a fellow crusader stopping by to say hi and to follow your blog :-)


    xx Rachel

  8. So glad you joined ....

    I hopped over from Rach's list to introduce myself and follow.

    Today's the first challenge was posted.... YAH!


  9. Ah ha!! You committed! "Welcome" from a fellow Crusader! I love the title to your blog -- I can SO relate!

  10. I'm a fellow Crusader and group member, just stopping in to say Hi and get acquainted! I'll be back again soon! :)

  11. Hi fellow crusader. It is a big commitment. It's been two weeks almost and I'm still working my way through the list, following most sites. It also gave me pause, at first, when I saw all the great blogs out there. But what the heck. I'm over it.

  12. Welcome to the crusade! You're right - it's a big commitment, but I'm really enjoying finding all these great new blogs!

  13. Hey, you can always be a Crusader who totally slacks :D I'm pretty sure nobody will come 'round and arrest you for slacking! but then again, you never know :)

  14. Just have fun with it. Welcome to the crusade

  15. Hi fellow crusader! Honestly it's a lot of fun, as much or as little committment as you like.

  16. Just popped on over to introduce myself as a fellow crusader and new follower. I'm off to try challenge # 1 now!

  17. Hey K, lovely to meet you! Welcome on board the Crusade. Um, yep, what Tony said ;)



  18. Great decision. Welcome to the crusade!

    <3 Gina Blechman (fellow crusader)

  19. Welcome to the crusade. Have fun and visit other crusaders blogs. Don't stress about how much you do or don't post. :)

  20. Welcome to the crusade! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm loving the first challenge. See you around.

  21. Glad you decided to join us! It is a big time commitment but a lot of fun as well. And don't worry about disappointing people. We all go at our own pace-it took me forever to get all caught up with the Crusade. As a sidenote, I read your post on outlining and thought you might enjoy my friends post on the subject at She has pictures =)

  22. Glad to meet you, Juniper. Hope you stick with this and have fun crusading!

  23. Glad you made it official. It's nice to meet you, fellow crusader.

  24. Hi Juniper - I was wondering if members of the 16B Crusader group wanted to do some group 'activities.' =) Shoot me a quick email at if you are interested and I'll send more info. Thanks!!

  25. Hi Juniper! Glad you are on board! I blog when I can and I still haven't made it around to everyone's sites, but I just thought it was too awesome of an opportunity to pass up!

    New follower and fellow crusader! Nice to meet you!

  26. Funny! I had a similar conversation with myself before joining the Crusade. Glad we decided to take the plunge!

    Great to meet you :))
